Wondering How to Become a Better B2B Technology Writer? Fear Not, I’ve Got You Covered: 5 Crucial Skills to Learn!

Farid Mohammadi
4 min readMar 22, 2021

By Farid Mohammadi

Although some may think B2B tech content writing is not that hard, it’s a very demanding job that requires excellent execution and specialist expertise. The thing is, whether you’re a freelance B2B content writer or work in-house at an agency, at the end of the day, you must come up with a piece of art to sell the hell out of it! Here are five characteristics to look for in B2B technology writings!

1- Be a Hybrid!

An excellent B2B writer is part marketer, part storyteller, so you must be the best of both worlds. Also, it’s all about selling! You must know how to sell your art in a way that aligns with your client's needs. Keep your content short, simple, and effectively action-oriented.

A skillful writer is an Artist. If someone unfamiliar with technical content can grasp the text, then s/he has created a work of Art!

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2- Cut to the Chase!

First things first: You don’t need to be emotional in your tech-oriented content. You must have a neutral yet persuasive tone. The point is to let the targeted reader understands the message as quickly as possible. Remember, your agency doesn’t want its clients to spend hours reading and reading until they get the points they need!

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Always Remember to Put Yourself in the Shoes of Your Clients!

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3- Be Specific!

Personally, I always try to follow Wendy Belcher’s 3 main principles:

Brevity: Don’t use two words where one will do.

Efficiency: Don’t use a preposition when you can use a noun or verb.

Specificity: Don’t use a general word when you can use a specific one.

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Ask yourself, can you cut out extra and unnecessary details in your article? In most cases, the answer is positive!

Shorten your sentences by removing extra prepositions and instead use nouns or verbs!

Simplifying and Polishing your Language is a Must with B2B Technical Writing. The Target Is to Pick Words That Are Quickly Understood.

4- Project Pyramid!
Do some research and write down the key points you’re looking for. Certainly, you’ll have some important and 1 or 2 very important points. Now, close your eyes and visualize an inverted pyramid. Place the 1 or 2 very important data at the top and include the supporting crucial information at the bottom. This is a significantly helpful technique because you must present the necessary information as fast as you can in the fast-paced digital world!

“Modern People Want Not Just Fast Cars and Fast Food But Fast Texts!” (Wendy Belcher)

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5- Be a Useful Researcher

As a capable B2B technology writer, you must take your time to educate yourself about your industry, your clients, and your business. Ask plenty of questions during the initial process to enhance the research. After you have finished the first draft, go back and evaluate how you might polish the rough edges of your writing.

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Reading more can improve your understanding skills and broadens your way of thinking. Given how good your content functions to serve the readers, it’s important to expose your mind to various research approaches, especially ones that can help you better understand your audiences how the way they think.

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Farid Mohammadi

Social Scientist, Literary Critic, Cambridge IGCSE ESL, EFL, & Literature Instructor, researcher & writer